Friday, 29 November 2013

Camera construction and Emphasis

This photo uses a medium camera shot showing both a male and female, the male is closer the the camera representing power and authority. The woman also has to look up to the man to create a conversation. The male is also slightly closer to the camera which also represents authority.

This photograph gives the assumption that the woman closer to the camera has more authority over the men in the background. She has a very stern, straight face which gives an aggressive masculine look in comparison to the men in the background who seem to be looking at her. The way she is also standing with her back to them portrays her as more powerful.

This photograph gives the idea that the male in the shot has more power over the female, even though the female has more camera space. You can only see half of the mans face whereas you can see the whole of the females facial expression that looks anxious and panicked. The lack of space between the two characters shows passion.

The photograph represents a higher level of male assumptions, as the female is wearing dark clothes, smoking and holding a gun which are predominantly more showcased in males. The female is also towering over the camera, with low lighting and a lack of colour, which shows more masculinity in comparison to a happy bright colourful shot.

This photograph has elements of both masculine and femininity, the male is holding a gun and is bleeding which represents the typical man. But the camera is angled higher and he seems to be on the floor which represents defeat.

This photograph constructs a more feminine opinion on the photo. It shows a woman in typical woman dressed in shorts and a vest. The lighting used is bright and the camera shot has her evenly placed in the center of the image. The lighting shows she is more feminine as it defines her body and skin.

This photograph displays that the photo is more masculine as the majority of people in the camera are male. Also the person closest to the camera is a man.

The Street - Exam Answer

Here is my response to "The Street"

Gender is very significant in this clip, it involves two adult characters one man and one woman. The man at the beginning of the clip comes over very aggressive and assertive to his wife. She also comes over very aggressive towards her husband but is very comforting towards her daughter they are arguing about. You get the sense that they are a low working class due to the source of their argument  money. They argue about an item their daughter has broken which in their eyes is expensive to replace. The Husband is a typical stereotypical character that drinks and watches football.

Throughout the first scene, it shows an average family with two parents having an argument. This is shown through the gap of a door which creates a scared outlook from the  little girl, the aggressive attitude of the father is asserted to his wife. The appearance and clothing of the family is very basic, casual and unbranded, which indicates that they are a working class family. The family also live in a small terraced house in town which is also an indication that they do not have a high income.
The camera then pans around to the little girl sitting innocently at the table, her facial expression shows sadness, whereas the typical boys in the background are watching TV.

The scene after this shows the father at work, he is working in an industrial environment, this shows masculinity and that he is releasing anger at work. His job shows that is very labour intensive and that he works hard for his money. The camera uses a jump cut shot of the man using the hammer, this shows masculinity and aggression.

The flowing scene then shows the pipe bursting, the camera shot is wobbly and unstable, this shows panic of the woman in the situation. She then runs and shouts to Peter for help, this shows how males can be dominant and able to fix things. Peter is well dressed representing that he could be of a higher class in comparison. Once Peter fixes the pipe they both relax and laugh, the camera is positioned behind a door giving a secretive effect of what they are doing.

Peter then goes back into his own house, which shows a boy watching football and the mother shouting at the two girls. The mother tries to talk to peter but he is too busy, this shows how work is more important to Peter whereas the mother is more children orientated. The mother is very persistent and demanding, this portrays the typical "house wife" which is represented in a smilie way throughout various different tv dramas. The close up camera angles of the mother shouting helps show her anger and worry towards her child.

The scene after this is the car crash, this involves Peter running over family ones little girl. This could be a representation of a clashing of two different social classes. The neighbours run over in distress and assist whereas Peter stays in his car from worry and shock. This shows that. Peter is quite a weak man in comparison to the hard working builder from family 1. 
The overlapping of voices and alarms is a representation of a complete mess, once the father realises what has happened he rushes out. He becomes more angry and assertive towards Peter showing his pain. The clothing of all the neighbours is casual, this shows that most neighbours are working class I'm comparison to Peter who is more of a business man.
The mother then walks into the house and realises that the two boys are still watching the football, this portrays that they are just like their father and are careless.

I think that this clip has a good representation of social class, it shows a contrast between the two and how they can clash.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Mock Test - The Street - Notes

Mock Test on "The Street Representation on Social Class"

4 Technical areas that need to be covered:
- Camera shots, angle, movement and composition
- Editing
- Sound
- Mise en scene (Location, props, lighting and costume)

Then Analyse:
- Construction and representation
- Sexuality
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Social class
- A reflection of reality?
- Is it marketable?
- What influence does it have on society
- disability
- regional ID

Notes on The video clip: 
Close up camera shots
point of view camera shot from little girl
Quick movement of camera shots when tap bursts and girl is run over
Shouting and agressive male adult towards female adult
located in a town with terraced houses
Casual clothing, man in suit who runs girl over
music in background of sports
two young boys who aren't interested in anything thats going on
The dad to the girl who got run over is careless
Loud burst of water pipes bursting and screaming
Big crashing sound and shouting when girl is run down
Track pan camera angles
Relatable problem - woman kissing another man
Women casually dressed
Peter in a suit
Children ready for school
Typical boys watching tv
Father releasing anger at work using hammer
Woman is a stay at home mother
Woman who's tap breaks asks for mans help
Peter and woman laugh when the water stops - Passionate kiss
Long shot of kiss with cake in foreground
Woman in background and peter in foreground whist eating a cake
Males infront of the TV
Peter gets into car, runs back inside
Peter is distant from family and doesn't take a lot of notice - shows how women are more close to their children
Both girls are being shouted at in video
Woman in street with children - Shows closeness
Peter drives off, puts belt on and runs over little girl - camera flashes to her father in front of the TV
Neighbours run to little girl
Peter stays in car from panic and shock - cannot face what he has just done - Breathes heavily
Two boys watching TV don't take any notice
Father shows pain and fear through taking his anger out and shouting at Peter through the car window
Neighbour faints
mother rushes over distraught, shows true pain of her daughters accident
Father shouts at traffic "my daughters just been run over"
Peter looks really shocked and upset in car

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Tv Drama Exam

1) TV Drama ( scripted and no fictional) 
A story presented in a dramatic way heavily linked with relatable, real life situations. using believable well representable characters, locations and plots people watch to drama for entrainment, audience can link e relate to situations. TV drama is studied so society can be learnt about and how it is represented in the media industry. TV drama represent: sexuality, gender, ethnicity, social class. 
TV drama is like a reflection of reality, That is a marketable product which can influence society.

2) TV drama sub genres: Teen, soap operas , costume, medical , hospital, police / crime , doc dramas 
7 groups of representation: class, sexuality disability, Regional identity, age, ethnicity and gender.

3) Exam expectations 
Analyse discuss technical aspects of the language and conventions of the moving image medium, in relation to the unseen moving image extract, as appropriate to the genre extract specified.

4 key technical areas camera shots , angles, movement and composition, editing , sound and 

4) 2 Hour exam - ( 1 hour per question)
 A 5 minute clip is shown 4 times. Half an hour is allocated to reading the question, watching the extract and making notes.

The exam is out of 50
20 marks for the analysis of the argument
20 marks for the use of examples from the clip
10 marks for the use of terminology

5) Representation: A Definition
By definition all media texts are re-representation if reality. Meaning they are intentionally created by their producers. They choose story lines that closely link to reality and that are understandable by the audience.

Representation is a two way process, producers position a text somewhere in relation to reality and audiences assess a text on its relationship to reality.

6) Representation in the media can be misleading. Most, if not all images are photoshopped to make men and women look flawless. This misleads audiences to believe that they need to be perfect and aspire to these so called "role models"