Thursday, 13 March 2014

Hotel babylon essay - ETHNICITY

This clip presents ethnicity in different aspects.

In the beginning the camera has done a long tracking shot to emphasise how well the black man is dressed and the audience are able to see his strong walk. Also non-digetic happy music is being played to create a atmosphere and to emphasise the challenge of a black males stereotype.He is also given more time on camera when the shot reverse shot is used and a medium shot is used to show the two different types of black people. Another pointer that separates the two black people are the way they speak. The boy that has come out of the pool is using slang he is conforming to the black stereotype of not being able to speak properly. On the other hand the black man in the suit is challenging the stereotype once again by speaking structured english. He does not conform to the stereotypical views of his ethnic group.

The next scene we are introduced to two foreign women as cleaners and when they speak you are able to get a feel of their ethnicity. They have conformed to their stereotype because in the society of today foreign people are associated with classed jobs for example cleaners, which is what the two woman are. The director has used a two shot so the audience are able to analyse the cleaners and feel pity for them. The non-digetic is still being played to emphasis the uncertainty of the second cleaner when the close up of her face is shown. A medium shot has been used to present the man sitting on the bed, even thoe he is foreign and sitting down he still has more power then the maids because he is not wearing the dull overalls that the maids are wearing. The gown sets him apart and indicates he has money and lighting is used to light up his face. After there is a close up of money and the maid on the far right looks pleased, this indicates she is comfortable in what she is doing and is indicating to the audience that immigrants would do anything for money. Negative representation of foreign people is being showed but the maid who is up to strip is confirming to her stereotype.

As we go to the next scene you are introduced to a sophisticated man and woman walking in a corridor. The man and woman have been given good lighting, but on the other hand the maids and porters have not been given any lighting because the director is saying as they are foreigners they are not important. Medium. close ups and shot reverse shots have been used for both characters to show their importance within the clip. They confirming to their ethnical stereotype, which is dressing well and having a good job. As the sophisticated woman enters the kitchen she refers to the head chef as “Mr”, the woman has given him that power and when he picks up the knife this a phallic symbol meaning he has a bigger penis then anyone else within the room and he gains more power then anyone else in the room. The head chef is challenging his ethnical stereotype as he is a leader. To end the clip the non-digetic sound has returned when the woman who was stripping leaves the room and the supervisor is watching her. This is done this way so the audience can feel sorry for this group of ethnics.

Throughout the Clip ethnicity is either being challenged or confirmed by the actors.

1 comment:

  1. "done a long tracking shot to emphasise how well the black man is dressed and the audience are able to see his strong walk" - how does this challenge stereotypes, also how does it show relationship with the location, meaning?

    "Also non-digetic happy music is being played to create a atmosphere and to emphasise the challenge of a black males stereotype" - which is? Also what type of character is he that the sequence reveals him as, is he associated with White culture?

    "medium shot is used to show the two different types of black people. " - so what 2 different or contrasting representations are on offer? Again, how does this link to the 7 stereotypes?

    "because in the society of today [this is a very GCSE phrase, replace it with the more sophisticated, 'in contemporary culture'] foreign people are associated with classed jobs for example cleaners, " - thereby showing their servitude to dominate British culture (White predominantly)

    "The gown sets him apart and indicates he has money and lighting is used to light up his face" - Are you aware of the Japanese Businessman paying women stereotype? link to Sexualised?

    Accents - the chefs are Italian & French - aren't there stereotypes about these nationalities and their cooking?

    A much improved analysis, you can still gain marks from revising and knowing the stereotypes however as they are not explicitly mentioned. Also the use of prominance - who is our focus? Are these positive or negative representations on offer? Sound and camera improved, still lacking in the editing - prominance, pace, juxatposition though you cover shot rev shot.

    AAE 13/20
    EX 14/20
    T 4/10

    31 C3
