Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Music Industry

Record Label - A brand or trademark lined with the marketing of music. The company also publishes there contracted music, which can include producing a music video and a record label. They also arrange promotion and marketing of the music being made to enhance sales. Record companies own the music and hold copyright over the music created looking after the legal side for the band or singer. The two types of label is major and independent, a major label is like Sony who are horizontally and vertically intergrated enabling them to run more money efficiently as they have different sections of the music industry like marketing, production and promotion. An independent label is smaller and allows signed artists more freedom to explore themselves as an artist. Independent labels still can make a lot of money like an independent label that has signed Adele.

Cross media convergence - The combination of two or more mediums, including different platforms like a newspaper being available on a tablet device, on the internet, television, ebook and a physical newspaper. An example is when Adele relased a song called "Skyfall" for the film called Skyfall.

Digi Modernism - The cultural effect of new technologies. The impact of computerisation on texts and arts. The cultural effect of new modern technologies, like the revolution of the internet and tablet devices. For example being able to listen to a radio station broadcasted in Australia by using the internet or Tunein which would otherwise be unavaliable if we didn't have the internet. 
Being able to watch catch up TV online.

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